A journey through lockdown as a Sunday School Leader
When Movement Control Order (MCO), Malaysia's lockdown started, none of us
knew that it was going to last more than a month. As a Sunday School leader, I was
a tad worried about the little ones in my charge. At first, it was just sending out
YouTube videos with Bible stories and then worksheets for them to complete with
their parents. Then it was, learn up this song, tell a story and send in a video. But as
MCO kept being extended, I realized that was not enough and meeting them online
would have far more advantages.
Zoom was decided as the video conferencing app as it was free, stable and pretty
user friendly.
Online teaching structure
For those of you who might not know exactly what it looks like to be a Sunday school
teacher online, I’ll try to give a brief overview of what happens during our online
As a teacher you want to connect with the kids as well as have them remember what
you have taught them in class. The format of online lessons need to be consistent in
order that kids know what to expect every lesson. Hence, the flow goes like this: start
with worship (one song), lesson (with a set of 4-6 questions), and a craft (usually A4
size paper origami as some parents do not have a printer at home).
Struggles of online lessons
When kids meet their friends online, they get easily distracted by the antics of one or
two on screen, plus turning on and off videos as they please, and not unmuting when
they need to.
I must say I am glad that my call for an assistant teacher was answered by a young
university student who was once my Sunday School student. With this young adult
online with me, it has been extremely helpful. Besides helping me teach, she has
had to take over as host when my WiFi connection wasn't good.
Another issue is actually getting the kids to come for online lessons. Since they are
12 and under, most of them do not have their own devices to be able to go online.
They will need to use either parents' devices which may not be available to them.
Also, younger kids (age 7-10) will need parent's supervision and help during the
zoom lessons. This may be difficult as parents may have work or have younger
child/children to care for.
Joys of online lessons
Thank the Lord it’s not all doom and gloom! Though it can be a struggle at first
(thank God for my older boy who helped me with the initial glitches) to do Sunday
School online but when it comes to the joys of teaching, these moments aren’t that
different to a typical Sunday School class. In fact, I think they are more enhanced as
we can see the joy on the kids' faces reflected on the screen.
This verse comes to mind when I think of the ministry with the kids.
" And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing
that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve
the Lord Christ." Colossians 23:23-24
I know it can be hard to lead in ministries, but I take it as a blessing to be able to
serve others. We need to work with all our heart, not just out of love for the people
we are serving, but because we are also serving Christ at the same time.
I have the hope that the experience of doing online teaching will not be in vain. If
time permits and if it is in God's plan, I do intend to keep using Zoom calls as a way
to include kids who might otherwise not be able to attend Sunday School.
Note to other Ministry Leaders
If you’re a ministry leader who’s struggling with doing your ministry online, just know
that you’re not alone. All ministries have their own challenges during this time. I am
just thankful and blessed to still have the opportunity to do this with the kids. I know
that God will surely work in the hearts of all who participated online.
Note to Parents
I will end with a special note to parents who kept the time aside for their
child/children every Sunday to come online. For the moms and dads who have to sit
alongside and help their little ones maneuver Zoom, help them understand lessons
and also with the sometimes complicated origami craft, I pray you find helping your
children along as a joy and not a chore. As without your help and motivation, the
online lessons would not be a success.
Proverbs 22:6:
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it."
By Pay Chian Chew
Breakthrough Kids Club Leader
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